UK and Ireland Grand Finals
Join us virtually as we celebrate student accomplishments in the 2020-21 Engineering for People Design Challenge UK Grand Finals!
Run in partnership with Engineers Without Borders South Africa, UK and the USA the Engineering for People Design Challenge encourages university students to broaden their awareness of the social, environmental and economic implications of their engineering solutions. Taught through a project-based learning pedagogy, the initiative embeds a globally responsible awareness during a pivotal moment in the student’s career. Since launching in 2011, close to 50,000 students have participated from institutions in South Africa, UK, Ireland, and the USA.
Throughout the year, students worked in teams to investigate the challenges faced by a real community and design a solution to meet the community’s needs. The top teams from each university submit their designs to a pool of international reviewers. The student teams that have most effectively considered the social, environmental, and economic impacts of their design, are then invited to present their ideas to an expert panel of judges and are recognised for their efforts during a national Grand Finals event.
During the Grand Finals event
The competition culminates on Thursday 1 July. During this event, we will hear from the EcoSwell community and a variety of engineering industry perspectives about their experiences and the role of engineering in serving people and the planet. The event will conclude with the announcement of the first, runners up and People Prize award winners. We encourage all participating students to attend this event in addition to academics, industry professionals and those from our wider community.
To see the full agenda and attend this event, sign up here!
Share your design idea
This platform provides space for you to showcase your team's design idea, interact with other participants and professional reviewers, as well as participate in the People's Prize.
Make the most of this opportunity by entering the workspace below and share your team's design idea. Be sure to add your team number and university as the title, and a summary of your design idea, before uploading your report and any other supporting materials.
The People's Prize
The People's Prize is a public vote, awarding the team who has considered the social, economic and environmental impacts of their design idea most effectively. All teams are automatically entered into the People's Prize. Remember- how your idea is communicated may impact the results of the People's Prize.
Be sure to explore the design ideas in the workspace, which you can access below, and then cast your vote. Voting closes on Tuesday 29 June 2021 23:59 BST.
The team that receives the highest number of votes will win the People’s Prize which will be announced at the Grand Finals.
Vote here
By taking part in the Engineering for People Design Challenge Grand Finals, teams agree to share their solutions under an open-source Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0. As part of participation, finalists will have signed the competition Terms and Conditions which further outline licencing, details of which can be found here.
Teams shall own the Intellectual Property of their work, however, they will agree to provide Engineers Without Borders South Africa, USA and UK permission to use the ideas for a wider benefit. If you have any queries about this, please get in contact at privacy@ewb-uk.org
Engineering for People
Design Challenge
UK & Ireland